and it was awesome.
had me a table...
and some awesome friends around me.
sold stuff, had fun, broke even at four pm
the profit went to dinner.
good day
i was upset by something really big, and really frustrating
there was an emphasis on super hero characters from big company names
which ate up so much of the market, that i was like
"where did the independence go, if everyone is relying on dc and marvel to make cool characters?"
it broke my heart, and i wondered if i would have to sell out next time.
and then the coffee shop lady rhea accidentally stole copies of deep suit and near legend.
ho hum. at least i didnt show her the prints
in other news, i am announcing a collaboration between myself and joe tagliaferri
furthermore, im going to submerge for a bit, to lick wounds and make more comics. i saw lotsa stuff at the con, and much of it was inspiring. ming doyle, dave mahan, patt kelley, and allan dorison, i especially thank you all, along with joe tag, bethany strohm and alex dufault, who sat in a corner helping me all day long.
goodnight everybody
i have great friends